Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Projects in my Future

Here are projects I'm actively working on in 2016.  All of these designs will end up open-sourced.

Cambucha Blocks 

  • Lightweight, insulating, modular concrete blocks which can be filled with structural, reinforced concrete
  • 30 pounds/cu. foot density
  • Uses non-toxic protein-based foam
  • Aggregate contains shredded plastic bags for tensile strength
  • Low-tech: build your own blocks on-site with open source formulae and form plans
  • Blocks integral to design-your-own/build-your-own modular building system, which favors modular units using standard sized material, and minimizes cutting and customization.
  • Can be used as insulating/solar sink blocks, as shown in composite panel design, above.

Votey McVoteFace

"You can COUNT on me
... because you can COUNT MY VOTE."

  • Online voting app
  • Merges voting and poling
  • Security Features
    • Every vote visible and countable
    • Every voter gets one anonymized, unique identity
    • Voter may optionally declare anonymized identity corresponds to their own public identity
  • Voting available for entire campaign season, and votes may be changed up to the deadline, which is the end of "voting day" for that issue or candidate.
  • Voters may submit percentage choices for funding of budgets, e.g. on the Federal budget, the voter may declare how much of his taxes go to each line item.
  • All votes are visible, but many may just show the voter anonymous ID, such as "Voter 12345 voted for Franken in seat /us/congress/house/district/123".
  • Each voter may see his cast vote at any time, and may validate or tabulate their own vote in perpetuity.
  • Registration Details
    • Each real, human voter goes to a state-approved local precinct facility, 
      • such as a library, town hall, post office, or county voting or records office, 
    • and there receives one anonymous voterID.  
    • That person's central, shareable personID based on name, place of birth, and parents name, is marked as having received a virtual voterID,
    • and the voterID is given a "current residence precinct" designation, 
    • but storing/publishing the relationship between personID and voterID is not legal,
    • nor is storing/publishing any information associating the "current residence precinct" with the personID.  
    • Every virtual voterID gets a "current residence precinct", and submits all votes as though they were legally residing there.  
    • Voters are responsible for registering with precincts, but in any event their vote is cast and cannot be denied by a precinct.
    • Voters may "out" their voterID by declaring the association between voterID and personID in any public, private, or government database or network, such as a town registry, national census database, personal website, or social media profile page.
    • Voters may claim to re-anonymize their voterID, and their old voterID is then "retired", which is visible, but blocked from any future elections.
  • Each watchdog group may download the entire election at any time and tabulate the anonymous, precinct-grouped votes.
  • All source code for the database and document schemae, voting page templates, and test data will be stored in GitHub
  • An example server will be stood up where people can register test accounts, and can prototype elections.
  • As the system reaches viability, policy activists can move to promote the results of the system's elections, and propose adoption of the open-source technology by election officials.

Rooftop Gardens Co-housing

Ongoing project to promote co-housing and rooftop gardens, using an owner-occupant/manager and Airbnb-style rooms to rent in the shared community.
  • Community:
    • Kitchens
    • Common bathrooms
    • Rooftop Gardens
    • Land Gardens
    • Parking
    • Bike Parking
    • Recycling and City Services
    • Building energy: solar, wind
    • Building grey-water system, and plant irrigation
  • Private: 
    • Bedrooms
    • Sitting Rooms/Living Rooms
    • Bathrooms
    • Balconies